Setup IIS in Windows 10

Internet Information Server (IIS) is included with Microsoft Windows 10 and can be installed either during the installation of the operating system or afterwards. 
1. Open the Control Panel. press WIN+X together to display the 'Power User Menu' to select Control Panel.
2. Navigate to Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off.
3. Ensure that the following options are selected:

1. IIS Management Console
2. .NET Extensibility 3.5
3. .NET Extensibility 4.6
4. Application Initialization
5. ASP
6. ASP.NET 3.5
7. ASP.NET 4.5
8. ISAPI Extensions
9. ISAPI Filters
10. Default Document
11. HTTP Errors
12. HTTP Redirection
13. Static Content
14. Static Content Compression
15. Request Filtering
4. Click OK to apply the changes. You may be prompted to restart the computer.


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