Safe module loading
Avoid module loading using a variable
TL;DR: Avoid requiring/importing another file with a path that was given as parameter due to the concern that it could have originated from user input. This rule can be extended for accessing files in general (i.e. fs.readFile()) or other sensitive resource access with dynamic variables originating from user input. Eslint-plugin-security linter can catch such patterns and warn early enough
Otherwise: Malicious user input could find its way to a parameter that is used to require tampered files, for example a previously uploaded file on the filesystem, or access already existing system files.
TL;DR: Avoid requiring/importing another file with a path that was given as parameter due to the concern that it could have originated from user input. This rule can be extended for accessing files in general (i.e. fs.readFile()) or other sensitive resource access with dynamic variables originating from user input. Eslint-plugin-security linter can catch such patterns and warn early enough
Otherwise: Malicious user input could find its way to a parameter that is used to require tampered files, for example a previously uploaded file on the filesystem, or access already existing system files.
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