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Keycloak Embedded in a Spring Boot Application

  1. Overview Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management solution administered by RedHat, and developed in Java by JBoss. Keycloak can also be run as a standalone server, but then it involves downloading it and setup via the Admin Console. 2. Keycloak Pre-Configuration To start with, let's understand how we can pre-configure a Keycloak server. The server contains a set of realms, with each realm acting as an isolated unit for user management. To pre-configure it, we need to specify a realm definition file in a JSON format. Everything that can be configured using the Keycloak Admin Console is persisted in this JSON.  Our Authorization Server will be pre-configured with baeldung-realm.json. Let's see a few relevant configurations in the file: users: our default users would be and; they'll also have their credentials here clients: we'll define a client with the id newClient standardFlowEnabled:  set to true to activate Authorizat...

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